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The Power of Momentum

Alan Tsen
Alan Tsen
1 min read
The Power of Momentum

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Regardless of what you're building, the power of continuous forward motion becomes evident quickly. It sometimes feels counterintuitive, but success is less about perfection and more about momentum.

At any given time, decisions are made with the information at hand. Waiting for perfect clarity leads to paralysis. Action, even if imperfect, generates new information, creating a flywheel that propels us forward.

Many times we overthink and hesitate, immobilised by the fear of making the wrong move. This inaction proves more detrimental than a suboptimal decision. Imperfect actions yield valuable data and insights, guiding the next steps. Doing something, even if not perfect, is better than doing nothing.

When launching a product, the quest for perfection often delays release. However, real user feedback refines the product more effectively than whiteboarding sessions and debates. Each iteration, based on real-world data, moves your product closer to product-market fit.

The things we put into the world exist in a continuous feedback loop. Every action provides new insights, which inform subsequent actions. Continuous movement ensures constant adaptation and improvement. Even if it's incremental.

Even when progress feels slow, forward motion is still progress. Each small step generates new insights, enabling better decisions and further action.


Alan Tsen Twitter

Day: Looking for my next thing Night: investor in fintech startups + former chair of Fintech Australia, writer of Fintech Radar.


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